Hi! My name is Ali Jaya Meilio Lie, but you can use alijaya because it's my internet name.
I'm passionate about many stuff, here are the shortlist of the things that I like:
- Filmmaking
- Programming
- Game Design
- Web Design
- Crafting
- Education
Competitive Day
I was born in capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, but soon I moved to and grown up in Bangka Island. So I identified myself more with Bangkanese culture.
In my early education journey (elementary, junior high, and senior high school), I participate in several math and programming competition. In the meantime, I learn how to do game programming by myself with the help of the internet.
Filmmaking Journey
Then after my senior high school, I swerved my path to a filmmaking journey. I took a filmmaking 1.5 years course in SSR Jakarta (School of Sound Recording Jakarta).
After that, I do some freelancing, interning (Agate Studio), volunteering (TOKI, Tim Olimpiade Komputer Indonesia), and working as visual effects artist in 2 Indonesian features films (Garuda Superhero and Rudy Habibie).
French Life
Bored with working life, I decided to continue my study in France. I take 7 months French course in IFI Thamrin, Jakarta Institut Français d'Indonésie.
Then I studied for 3 years in Université Grenoble Alpes, majoring in Arts du Spectacle / Performing Arts in Grenoble, France. When I was studying, I was quite active in organisation, especially in PPI Grenoble (Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Grenoble).
Life Now
In these days, I went back to Jakarta, Indonesia, and tries my fortune here. I have a plan to make my own production house. But the road is still long, and it would be great if you can give support and join me along the way 😀. I'll try to give back to the world with sharing some useful content with you guys.
And feel free to contact me, I might be a stranger to you, but I'm still a human that will be excited if there's a genuine email that enter my box 😀.